Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Awesome bloggers, New card, a foggy brain, and gay marriage...

I have to admit something to you.  I just woke up from a muscle relaxer induced sleep.

Maybe that is why I am feeling so foggy!

So instead of writing something super insightful and awesome I am going to post some links of other super awesome bloggers and show you my new card that I put up on LoveUPaperly!

Reminds me of falling in love in Venice and hearts!

Have you guys ever visited the site A Practical Wedding?  I am actually a little jealous by how amazing it is so you should click on the link.  Meg Keene runs the site and wrote a very insightful piece on working for herself for a year.  This paragraph really resonated for me.

"You can't succeed without being willing to fail with full force. You can't figure out how far you can go, until you push yourself so far that you risk completely falling on your face. And seriously? This never stops sucking, don't kid yourself."
Another blog that I read the other day was Gala Darling (she is so freakin cute), seriously Really Cute.  She posted a link on Christian Siriano (the project runway winner of Season 4).  The link was his partner Brad Walsh basically defending him against other people's insults, but the love in the writing for his partner is so palpable.  Love it!

Original photo from the Dallas Voice
Plus Christian Siriano always say's "Fierce", I wanted him to win when I watched him on Project Runway.

On a completely different note, as I am typing this my fiance (by now you probably know she is a girl and yes I am gay), is having an argument with her conservative family over e-mail.

The basic question is, how can they be excited that we are having a wedding (not legal in Maryland) in May but not believe in gay rights or gay marriage?!

It makes me really upset to hear them say how much they love Meridyth and support her and love me too, we have been together 6 1/2 years, but they don't see the contradiction when they think it is o.k. for the Catholic Church to pull away funding from adopotion in D.C. because gay marriage is legal!!

This is a completely different post all in itself and writing while upset is not a good idea!

Therefore I am going to leave you with John Lennon...
Original image holder unknown

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