Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Blog Routine: Poppies and Epiphanies

Happy Monday Everyone!

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.  I was tired and feeling sorry for myself for no particular reason.

When that happens if I have time I will get myself out the door for a walk which usually brightens my spirits.

I didn't have time this morning.  I was running late, I had a horrible headache, and one of the cats had spilled their water dish all over the floor I had just cleaned.

So instead I went to a blog that I try to read at least once a week, usually on Monday morning.  The blog is called Poppies and Epiphanies.

This blog is one I have been following for about a year and it is a blog that reminds me not to feel sorry for myself and to be grateful for everything I have.

The writer of the blog is Victoria Cornish who also runs a nonprofit with her husband called Imagine It.

She is living with an incurable form of cancer and has been documenting her journey since getting the diagnosis.  I find her inspiring and also very real.  She writes when she's scared, when she's happy, when she's sad and currently she has been talking about a bucket list that her and her husband made together and I have relished in reading her posts as she checks off different things on the list she wants to experience.

I don't know why Monday mornings aren't the best for me, but when I read her blog I am reminded of so many people that are perservering through unimaginable things and I too can buck up and jump into life with both feet.

I would absolutely recommend visiting Poppies and Epiphanies.

For those of you that don't know these are what poppies look like:
Image found on History Mike Blog
I also think this is what my epiphany would look like:
found on Bing
Lots of Love,


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