Sunday, April 8, 2012

Birthday Blues and Wedding Decorations

Happy Easter/Passover/Sunday!

Today is my Birthday.  Yup, I am 32 years old today...I will tell you a secret...I don't love my birthday.  I never have, and today especially felt a little like a let down.  I think it is because we went to Florida and got home last week.  I had such a fantastic vacation and then last week after getting home it was back to the grind, not feeling great, and REALITY.  Reality of Mer still looking for a job, of my not feeling well, and struggling to get through the days...

Harsh Reality.  So, I spent today on the couch, watching bad television, napping, and avoiding my phone.  I am thinking I will listen to birthday messages tomorrow and hopefully be in a better place in my head.

I did work on some Wedding decorations though and I wanted to share them with you!

I came up with a theme for our wedding, finally!!

It is....(drum roll please)...LOVE IS AWESOME.

They are not done yet...but when they are I think each little card is going to go on the table with the napkin.  Each card is individually letter-pressed and stamped.
This is the start of my drink stirrers.  Hearts right now in all different shades of pink...I think I am going to add glitter!!  Who wouldn't love glitter heart drink stirrers?!

And a photograph of me...being sad....but it's my birthday.
If I can pull of these wedding decorations our wedding is going to be full of so much fun, homemade goodness!

Lots of Love,


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